DOC 150 Stoat Trap

With it looking highly likely that the tried and trusted Fenn trap is going to get banned in 2016, for stoats under the A.I.H.T.S, I thought I would test one of the alternatives.
The D.O.C trap has been legal in the UK for many years, but has not been as much use to northern keepers, trapping in the dry stone walls, because the trap has to be set into a box, rather than the alternative, natural stop end trap, built into the wall.
The trap undoubtably is a good kill trap, and from the way it works, I would say almost impossible to get a foul catch.
Is it really an alternative to the Fenn? It could be, but the cost on a 300-400 trap line would be astronomical.
After 6 days in use I managed to bag a large dog stoat, that had clearly been hunting drains prior to getting caught.

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