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“ABC Arctic Animals Song” is an engaging and educational YouTube video designed for kids. In this lively and colorful video, children will learn about Arctic animals while singing along to the catchy ABC song. Each letter of the alphabet is accompanied by a different Arctic animal, helping children to learn both their ABCs and about the fascinating creatures that inhabit the Arctic region. With vibrant animations and upbeat music, this video is sure to captivate and educate young learners.
Watch our previous video Of sea Animal:)
#A is for #ArcticFox #B is for #BelugaWhale #C is for #Caribou #D is for #DallsSheep #E is for #Ermine (Stoat) #F is for #Fulmar (Seabird) #G is for #GreenlandShark #H is for #HarpSeal #I is for #IvoryGull #J is for #Jokulhlaup #K is for #KingEider (Duck) #L is for #Lemming #M is for #Muskox #N is for #Narwhal #O is for #Octopus (Arctic species like the North Pacific giant octopus) #P is for #PolarBear #Q is for #Quokka (not native, but introduced to some Arctic regions) #R is for #RingedSeal #S is for #SnowyOwl #T is for #Tern (Arctic Tern) #U is for #Umimmak (Greenland Shark) #V is for #Vole (Arctic Vole) #W is for #Walrus #X is for #Xylophagus (wood-eating organisms found in the Arctic) #Y is for #YellowBilledLoon #Z is for #Zooplankton.
#ABCsong #ArcticAnimals #KidsLearning #EducationalVideos #Preschool #NurseryRhymes #Wildlife #ArcticCircle #Children #LearningIsFun #KidsEntertainment #ArcticLife #AnimalLovers #ArcticAdventure #Learning #ArcticExploration #FunLearning #ArcticDiscovery #KidsSongs #ArcticWildlife