Randomy Randomness 21 : Popping the Weasels

#fallout4 #fortindependence #mirelurk
Well, they’re not exactly Weasels per se…

The highlight of the video is the Legendary effect on a Laser Musket that I happen to get.
Thing is, when the Legendary effect is on the Laser Musket, the charging limit is removed enabling you to spin the crank as much as you like enabling the shot from this type of limitless charge crank to basically DESTROY anything the one shot hits.

In exchange, ALL of your Fusion Cells that you carry will be GONE no matter how little you crank up this particular Laser Musket.

I cranked too little in this case, should’ve cranked up to over 200…
Good thing I stashed my surplus Fusion Cells back in Home Plate…

The sound replacer for the Laser Musket fits this occasion VERY NICELY:
The Power Armor?
How I made my player character so chatty:
Clean up dead corpses:
And robots:
As well as skeletons if you want to get rid of them:

The mod added Power Armor can be found in the lake of this video’s location.

Yeah, clearing this place ALONE is EASIER for me since there’s NO BRAINDEAD AI BOTS that PERSISTENTLY stand in your line of fire.

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